Cpanel adalah aplikasi web hosting
terpopuler saat ini, hampir semua penyedia layanan hosting terkemuka
menggunakan platform cPanel dalam melayani penggunanya, Fitur yang
dimiliki cPanel sangatlah mumpuni diantaranya fitur reseller, domain,
parking domain, ftp, database, backup, full web base, dll. Dengan fitur
yang seabrek-abrek tadi maka tak heran banyak user yang nyaman dan cocok
menggunakannya. Dibalik fitur canggih dan kenyamanan penggunaannya
rupanya berbanding lurus juga dengan harganya :-D , berikut harga resmi yang dirilis official web cPanel
Dedicated LicensesVPS Licenses
1 Year$425
2 Year$775
3 Year$1075
1 year$200
Anda tidak usah khawatir dengan harga diatas, rupanya cPanel juga menyediakan secara GRATIS khusus
untuk lembaga/unit/organisasi NonProfit/Education (syarat dan ketentuan
berlaku), silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah yang baru-baru ini juga saya
lakukan untuk mendapatkan licence for free.
1. Akses url berikut,
Gunakan Internet Explorer, karena Chrome dan Firefox tidak dapat
memunculkan textbox formulir pendaftaran, jelasnya saya paste dibawah
isian formulir yang harus diisi,
yang perlu diingat
adalah anda harus melampirkan foto kartu identitas bahwa anda adalah
salah satu member dalam organisasi, saya melampirkan kartu tanda anggota
sebagai pengelola UPT Puskom Unila dan menunjukkan url yang menjelaskan
posisi saya dalam organisasi (contoh , nama kita harus tercantum di url tadi karena akan diperiksa oleh verifikator cpanel.
2. Setelah submit aplikasi selesai anda
akan menerima email dari cPanel berisi beberapa pertanyaan verifikasi
untuk kepentingan licence.
Berikan penjelasan
sejelas jelasnya posisi anda seperti apa, peruntukan licence yang akan
digunakan seperti apa, yakinkan mereka bahwa kita menggunakan servis ini
untuk kepentingan non komersial.
3. Apabila permohonan sudah disetujui,
CS akan mengirimkan prosedur registrasi yang harus dilakukan, berikut
saya paste email panduan registrasi akun dan cara mendaftarkan licence
Hello Gigih,
Thank you for your assistance. Your package access has been added and
no additional documentation is needed at this time. Your application
will be applied to the request once is has been received. If you are
currently signed into your account, please re-enter the store so the
package can appear onto your account
You may use the instructions below as a guide when submitting your order:
1. Login to Store through
2. Go to Store Home
3. Under Products, select cPanel & WHM
4. Select Buy Now under the Main pricing area
5. Under Dedicated, select Educational License $30
6. Enter the IP address associated with your order
7. Follow the prompts until an order confirmation number is provided
NOTE: This license may only be used for educational purposes for your school/university and may not be used for commercial hosting. Please also note that if the licenses go unused for 90 consecutive days the Educational license will automatically expire.
Educational Licenses are offered at no cost with a one time 30.00 processing fee per license. The licenses will remain active, and no costs for renewal’s will be incurred for them. This one time fee covers activation and processing of the order. There is no other cost or fee beyond this one for the license.
I do want to specify as well for you that the licenses must remain in active use for them to continue. If they fail to sync with our license servers for more than 90 consecutive days it will automatically expire itself and need to be reordered. Based on the use you are planning to use them for this should never be an issue but I do want to make sure you have all of the information regarding this.
I hope this answers all of your questions and if you have further questions please let me know.
4. Ingat bahwa kita harus mengeluarkan
$30 per IP untuk satu kali aktifasi dimuka saja, tahun tahun
berikutnya gratis, pembayaran dilakukan menggunakan kartu kredit,
Hello Gigih,
Thank you for your response to Andrew’s
email. As he is currently unavailable at this time, I will be happy to
further assist you in his place.
Your order (1165945) for an Educational License on IP and
IP has been processed and you may verify your licenses here:
You will have received a separate email
to confirm this. Your licenses are now active and if you have any
issues, you may want to run the following refresh command:
Should you have any additional questions, or if there is anything else that I may assist you with, please let me know.
Kind regards,
6. Proses instalasi cPanel : Masuk ke console , install perl dgn perintah yum install perl , ambil script dari url berikut wget -N , eksekusi skrip tadi dengan perintah sh latest, tunggu proses instalasi dan lihat proses logginnya .
root@hosting [~]# tail -f /var/log/cpanel-install.log* ==> /var/log/cpanel-install.log <== 2014-02-21 18:44:58 714 ( INFO): Visit for more information about first-time configuration of your server. 2014-02-21 18:44:58 714 ( INFO): 2014-02-21 18:44:58 714 ( INFO): Visit or for additional support 2014-02-21 18:44:58 714 ( INFO): 2014-02-21 18:44:58 714 ( INFO): Thank you for installing cPanel & WHM 11.40! 2014-02-21 18:44:58 560 ( WARN): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2014-02-21 18:44:58 561 ( WARN): Your system kernel may have been updated. 2014-02-21 18:44:58 562 ( WARN): Current kernel (2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64) has been changed to: 2.6.32-431.5.1.el6.x86_64 2014-02-21 18:44:58 563 ( WARN): Before rebooting the system, please ensure that the installed kernel version is compatible with your deployment. 2014-02-21 18:44:58 573 ( WARN): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ==> /var/log/cpanel-install.log.1392978971 <== [20140221.173556] Downloading [20140221.173557] Downloading [20140221.173558] Downloading [20140221.173559] Downloading [20140221.173559] Downloading [20140221.173600] Downloading [20140221.173601] Downloading [20140221.173602] Downloading [20140221.173603] Downloading [20140221.173611] Downloading Setelah selesai tinggal akses web melalui name/ip http://IP:2087 , masukkan username root dan password yg telah diinstall
8. Thats it , silahkan dicoba sendiri.
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